Sunday, August 12, 2007

Yeah !!

Many more pictures from London went to Flickr today. Finally had bit of time to sit down and go through them all.

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Friday, August 10, 2007

More Shots From London

Here's another 55 shots from London including some shots from the Star Wars exhibition!

immauss' London 2007 photosetimmauss' London 2007 photoset

Saturday, August 4, 2007


Finally, I've pushed some pictures up to flickr from the trip. Its been a little crazy around here the last two weeks. Diane starts the last two weeks of her Master's program Monday, and I have final exams in two weeks for the two classes I'm taking. The picture update is only the first 3 days of the trip in London. The 4th day will take a little while to sort through as we both had our cameras and I think we took around 800 pictures that day. They will be up soon though. Keep checking in....

New Pictures here

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