Thursday, November 15, 2007

Moved 3

I'm back at work now. Almost caught up. Almost. The house is coming along slowly. I hung most of the kitchen cabinets on Monday, and should have the rest done this weekend. We may actually have a working kitchen by the end of the weekend. May .... Diane and I took a trip to Nottingham the first weekend of November and we took loads of pictures, but I haven't had time to even do more than download them from my camera. Not having the internet connection at the house is going to slow that process down for a while, but I'll get some up soon.

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Friday, November 9, 2007

Moved ?

Well, all of our stuff is moved into the new place. Now all we need is another few weeks to sort it all out, assemble everything, and find everything else. Its slow going, but we'll get there.

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Monday, November 5, 2007

Out of touch

We are still in the middle of moving. Its been painful, as moving always is. The internet at the new house is still a little spotty, and I don't start back to work until tomorrow, so if you haven't had any email from in a while, that's why. We'll be back online and in touch again soon.

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