Thursday, November 6, 2008

IT'S OVER !!!!

Finally, I finished my classes. I took the history final yesterday morning. I don't think I did tooo bad. I'm pretty sure I passed anyway. Now I can finally start to get some life back. I hope.We are leaving Saturday morning to visit the states for a few weeks. So the next few days will be packing and getting ready. Additionally, I'm delivering all of the prints I sold at the international bazaar. I did pretty well this year. You can see our booth here:

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Aaaahhhhhh School is killing me.....

OK, maybe not literally, but it sure has eaten up most of my time for the last few months. I took a Psych class with UMUC and it was 4 nights a week from 4:30 to 5:45. That class ended last week. Now all I have to do is finish the History class I'm taking on line and I'm ONE CLEP test away from my Associates degree!! Yippie!!! (Oh did you know the Yippies were a radical anti war/political party/activist group that started in 1968? I'm writing a paper on them for History.)

Anyway, there are loads of pictures that I have't even had time to look at myself. I've been spending a little of my time lately with my new online store for photos and the journal their.  So check out Also, John K.  and I setup at the International Bazaar again this year, and I sold around 15 prints at the shop and took orders for almost 30 more! (I feel like a pro :D)

Monday, September 22, 2008

Massa Lubrensa

For Labor Day weekend, we took a short trip out to Massa Lubrensa on the Sorentine penninsula and stayed at the Hotel Delfino. It was incredible, relaxing and beautiful. I went out and took loads of pictures of the area, and Diane took loads of pictures of Jessica. The Panoramas will come when I get a chance to process them. (No telling when that will be.)
See the Whole set here


Friday, September 5, 2008

An update, finally.

She's almost 3 months old now, and growing like crazy. At last check, the day of her shots, she was 5.55 kg and and 60cm long. That's 12lbs 4oz and 23 1/2 inches.

Click here to see the whole set.


Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Pompei Piazza

Yesterday, I got up at 4 am to go to Pompei and get some pictures before sunrise. As you can see from my photo stream, this is not the first time I've done this. The one thing I have found it impossible to avoid at this time of day is the town crazy guy. It seems like every town around here has at least one. Pompei is no exception. When I first entered the Piazza, his bicycle was upside down on one end of the piazza, and he was walking around yelling at the the trees, the dogs, and the street cleaners. He seemed to not notice me at first. However, as soon as I started to setup for my picture, he comes over to say hello. Well, he kind of yelled it. I assume that was his intent, because his Neopolitan accent was so thick, I couldn't understand a single word he said. If you don't speak Italian, you have no idea the difference between Italian and Neopolitan. If you have ever heard a comedian or actor in a silly movie try to speak cajun, or pigeon, its kind of like that. It sounds kind of like Italian, but not really. Anyway, I politely tried to tell him in Italian, that I didn't speak Italian well, and to please excuse me. At this point, he had taken the front wheel off of his upside down bicycle and had been rolling it around the piazza. He yelled a little more and went back to rolling his wheel around. I coninued to setup for my picture as he walked on. At one point, he rolled his wheel across the entire piazza and it ran in to a small barrier at the front of the church. He then yelled something I can only assume was "GOAL !!". I didn't see him for a while after that, which was good for me as I managed to take most of my panorama pictures without him in them. (He did show up in one though.) As I was breaking down my rig and getting ready to leave, he came by again, with the wheel in his hand. He didn't look any different, (crazier or less crazy) than he did the first time he came up, but this time when he got close enough, he swung the wheel at me. I instinctly turned and took the wheel across the chest to protect my camera. The wheel also struck my tripod and knocked it over. He didn't really swing it hard, because it didn't hurt at all. However, he knocked over my tripod. I weighed my options on taking a swing at him, but in the end decided it was probably safer, and less expensive should something break, to just yell at him. I told him in plain Italian to "GO!". I picked up his wheel, which he had dropped after hitting me and my tripod, and threw it across the piazza, and yelled "GO!" again. After a bit of yelling, he finally walked away still ranting at the dogs, trees, and street cleaners, except now I could understand one word he was using in his rants. Photographer.

The things I go through for a good picture.

Pompei Church

I just noticed that this is my 100th Post. WOOT!

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

More Pics


OK, I've been getting nasty grams from Grandma. Here's some new pictures. I had to work out some technical difficulties with the computer at home. Hopefully, we willget more regular updates now.

Friday, August 8, 2008


Its August 8th 2008 at 8:08 AM

Friday, July 25, 2008

Vote For Me !!!

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Portrait Time

So we setup a mini studio on the bed in our bedroom, and Jessica played fashion model. From the 60-70 shots, this was our favorite.
Jessica Portrait

Sunday, June 22, 2008

2 Weeks have gone by quick

Well tomorrow Jessica will be 2 weeks old, and I have to go back to work. It's gone by quicker than imaginable. She is already sleeping for 5-6 hours most nights, and has almost gained enough weight to be back up at her birth weight. She has been for 3 medical check ups, two in town, and one at the Naval hospital. Tomorrow we go for another quick visit, then as long as everything is OK, it will be two months before here next visit.

More pictures on flickr. Mom says I'm not posting enough pictures, but I think if I had a running full time video feed that wouldn't be enough.


Thursday, June 12, 2008

The Eyes Have it !!

Yesterday and today, she has been keeping her eyes open a little more.

Monday, June 9, 2008

Jessica is here!!!!!!

Well she arrived this morning by C-Section at the Casa di Cura in San Gennaro Vesuviano at 10:00am. She was 7lbs 11oz and 19 1/2 inches long. Diane and Jessica are both doing well and you can see them both over at flickr.

Click here for Jessica's Flickr Gallery.

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Schedules and Timing

Well it seems we will have our expected arrival tomorrow. We are scheduled for a C-Section tomorrow morning around 8:30. We took a few pictures last night, and I finally uploaded all of the panoramas from the trip to Amalfi to flickr.

The laptop is setup so we can connect to the internet through the local cellphone provider, so hopefully, there will be pictures of Jessica on the internet shortly after she is born. Wish us luck !!

Just before Jessica's Birth


Thursday, June 5, 2008

Amalfi Coast


Pictures from our Weekend on the Amalfi Coast are up on flickr. Panoramas and more to come soon.

Saturday, May 31, 2008

Jessica's Room

Well, its' more or less done. Close to more than less now, so here's a pano. I'm sure there will be little things added now and then, but for now, this is her room.

Jessica's Room

Its getting really close now. We have another appointment with the Doc on Tuesday, and at that point we may have to decide to wait it out, or schedule a C-section. Our preference is for natural, but that may not be an option. Only time will tell.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Baby Shower Pictures

The videos aren't done yet. There should be at least one more installment. For now, here are some of the pictures from the Baby Shower.


To see the rest, Click on the below image.
Baby Shower

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Baby Shower Part 2

Coming along slowly but surely, here's the Belly girth guessing game.

Friday, May 16, 2008

The Baby Shower

It's taken some time, mainly to figure out how to get the video the way I wanted it. But here is the first installment of the Baby shower videos.

Saturday, May 10, 2008

The Gardens of Ninfa

A few weeks ago, we drove up to Latina to visit the Giardini di Ninfa outside of Latina. To say it was beautiful would be an understatement. I could have spent days in there taking pictures and never really do it justice. These are just a few of the pictures I took there. For more, go here.

Sunday, April 27, 2008


Wow! Its been a while since the last update. I didn't realize how long it had been. It has been a busy time lately. Diane of course is about 8 months pregnant. I have a college math class two nights a week, and I started playing golf one afternoon a week. The weather the last few weekends has been beautiful, so we have spent them out and about. Work has been keeping me incredibly busy with another new engineering/design/build project, which hopefully will be done this week.
We had a baby shower for Diane yesterday, and there are loads of pictures from the last bunch of weekends that will be pushed up to flickr in the next few days as I'm taking tomorrow off in the hopes of catching up on some work around the house and some photo post processing. So keep in touch.

I also need to report the sad news that my Aunt Wanda, my father's sister, passed away this last week. We will all miss her, and our thoughts and hearts go out to other friends and relatives.

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

London, Stonehenge, and Bath

Woot! Pictures from the London trip are up. That's not too bad. Less than two weeks.

Congratulations are in order as well. We received a note this week from Eric and Julie.
Eric James Hodeen was born February 24th.

Look here.

Congratulations Eric and Julie!!!

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Google for anything

Google has really changed the world. 10 years ago, you could spend years toiling in ancient libraries and never find what you can find in 30 seconds with Google. For instance; Mental plasma energy stream control.
Small enerygy ball
I've been learning this a few weeks now. This is one of my early attempts. I've been getting better at controlling and shaping the streams though.
First heartShowman

Now I'm starting to work on multiple streams. This one uses four separate streams.
Click through to the pictures for larger views.

Sunday, February 17, 2008


Stone Henge, originally uploaded by immauss.

It was so incredibly cold there. The wind was cutting right through us. But it was still awe inspiring.

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Our New addition

For those of you who haven't already heard, there is a new addition on the way here.

Her arrival is greatly anticipated for the first week of June.

Meet Jessica Angela!

And her first video too!

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Its Christmas

Well, as far as my flickr pages goes it is. The pictures from Christmas are up this morning. Check them out.
Christmas 2007

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Monday, January 21, 2008

Updates !!!

Woo hoo !!
I finally sat down and did some photo updating. Loads of pictures from our trip to Nottingham back in November. The computer room is almost done, and that means the whole house isn't far behind.

Nottingham on Flickr

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Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Happy New Year!!!

Happy New Year to all !!!!!
I started working on setting up my desk yesterday so, maybe sometime soon I'll be able to start working on some of the hundreds of pictures I've taken since we moved.

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