So yesterday, I stayed home. The original intent was to be here so Telecom Italia could bring us an ADSL modem. Party time right? Wrong ! I didn't really expect them to show. That's just their track record. However, Diane called me around 8:15am to tell me that her interview would be aired at 2pm. Begin mad scramble. I had no way to record it! First I tried the old faithful VCR. Of course the VCR is NTSC and the Sky receiver is only PAL, so all I get is jumpy non viewable black and white video, but the audio is good. So I then commence to trying to make my myth box do the job. It might work now, but I haven't had a chance to try it. I ended up dragging my big dual processor box up stairs to the Sky box in our bedroom to try and record. It worked. ATI All-in-Wonder card on Windows XP. So I setup the backup, my digital camera on a tripod in front of the TV, and sat down to relax. It was 1:45. At 1:55, I run back up stairs to start the digital recording. I hit the record button, and BOOM. Windows crashed. Cursing Bill Gates and of his software, I run back down stairs to start the camera after hitting the old reset button, then back up stairs to watch it reboot. It comes back up uneventfully and started recording. Woot! Time to relax a bit. I sit down on the couch and wait for my love to appear on TV. About 15 minutes later, Diane calls. RAI has called and told her they are going to air the segment at 7pm, so her and the kids will be able to see it. AH! No big deal, I'm ready for it now. So, 7:30pm rolls around, I've got the dually upstairs recording, and the camera recording the TV down stairs. And we wait. And wait. And wait. It's only a 20 minute show. Finally, the show ends and no Diane. WTF? Then the phone starts to ring. "We saw it!" "You were great!" Apparently, it was a "Regional" show. The Satellite company, Sky, apparently didn't choose our region to air tonight, so we saw the show for the Pumone region in northern Italy. We missed it. Needless to say, we were a little annoyed. Not to be deterred, Diane went to the RAI 3 website and found that they put the videos online. We just needed to wait for the latest update. So, finally, around 9pm, the updated. Click here for RealPlayer version. Of course the interview is in Italian, and its mostly the narrator talking. But you can definitely get a look at Diane's class room and her teaching. In the next day or so, I'll convert and post with either subtitles or with a dubbed track.
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